Salesforce CPQ Discount Schedule

Salesforce CPQ offers discount schedules to create volume discounts based on quantity or terms for your quote lines. You can set the quantity or term ranges in tiers of percentages or amounts of currency. There are two types of discount schedules – Range and Slab.

In this video, we will go through how to set up a Discount Schedules with the various parameters, catering to different use cases. We will go through some key considerations and demonstrate how the functionality works while quoting. Lastly, we will go through a specific use case of using Discount Schedule on a product set up with Block Pricing.


Here is agenda of session

  • Discount Schedule
  • Slab Discount
  • Range Discount
  • Setting up a Discount Schedule
  • Discount Schedules with Block Pricing
YouTube video
Date     : JAN 25, 2021 9:00 AM EST (7:30 PM IST )
Where ::

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Please bookmark our Salesforce CPQ Playlist for recording and check our all Salesforce CPQ Training sessions detail from here. Please help us to spread the words with #ApexHoursCPQ

Further Learning

  • Link to Salesforce Help Article
  • Link to Trailhead

If you missed the initial session then please check our Salesforce CPQ Playlist for recording and check our all Salesforce CPQ Training sessions detail from here. Please help us to spread the words with #ApexHoursCPQ

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Amit Chaudhary
Amit Chaudhary

Amit Chaudhary is Salesforce Application & System Architect and working on Salesforce Platform since 2010. He is Salesforce MVP since 2017 and have 17 Salesforce Certificates.

He is a active blogger and founder of Apex Hours.

Articles: 467


  1. Completed session for Discount schedule and how to use Slab VS range discount schedule in salesforce CPQ. Thank you Apex hours team.

  2. Salesforce CPQ Discount Schedule
    Thanks Prasanth, I really liked the explanation around Block Pricing and Discount Schedule

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