In this article we will learn how to set up mass quick action in salesforce. But when I say mass quick action what does that mean? By mass quick action I mean you can apply actions on multiple records of any object by 1 click. For example you can create a task or send email to multiple contacts by one click. Join us to learn about how to Setup Mass Quick Action in Salesforce.
In this article we will create a quick action to create tasks for multiple contact records.
Create New Action on Contact Object
- Go to Object Manager from Setup.
- Click on contact object.
- Click on Buttons, Links, and Actions.
- Click on New Actions. You will see a screen like the image below.
- For Action Type choose as per your use case but in this example we want to create a record of task object which is why we are selecting Create a Record.
- For Target Object select Task because of obvious reason.
- Enter Label, Name & description along with a success message. Click on Save. For reference see below image.
- After clicking on save you will see a page like below image from where you can select the fields which you want to show the user while creating task records. We are not doing any changes as of now. Click on save.
New action is created but let’s verify if it is visible to the user on the contact object. Open the contact object tab by searching it from the app launcher. You will not see Create Task action on the page.
Add Action to List View Button Layout
- Go to object Manager and Click on Contact Object.
- Click on List View Button Layout. You will see a page like the image below.
- Click on edit. For reference see below image.
- Scroll down to List View Actions in Lightning Experience.
- Move Create Task from Available Actions to Selected Actions & click on save.
- Now the Create Task Action is added to the list view button layout and the action should be visible on the contact tab.
Open contact tab from app launcher in Salesforce. Now you can see Create Task action is visible.
Create Mass Task Demo
- Select the contacts for which you want to create a task.
- Click on Create Task action.
- Fill in the information and click on save.
- When you click on save it will ask for confirmation click ok.
- To verify, open a contact record which you selected in step 1. You will see the task in activity like the image below.
I hope now you know how to set up mass quick actions for an object. We have covered the example of creating a record but you can do cool things like send email, log a call etc. If you want us to write a record covering other Action Type then let us know in the comment box below.
Thanks, very interesting