Dynamic Highlights Panel – Winter 25 release

Salesforce keeps evolving, providing admins and developers with more customization tools for an Enhanced user experience. One of the latest additions in Winter 25 release is the Dynamic Highlights Panel in Lightning App Builder, allowing more flexibility in configuring key fields directly within the app builder instead of relying solely on Compact Layouts.In this post, we’ll explore how the Dynamic Highlights Panel works, how it benefits users, and walk through an example of configuring it for two different user profiles.

What is the Dynamic Highlights Panel?

The Dynamic Highlights Panel lets you showcase up to 12 important fields directly on the record page. Unlike the traditional Highlights Panel, which requires using Compact Layouts from Setup, the Dynamic Highlights Panel allows you to configure and customise it right from the Lightning App Builder. Additionally, it supports dynamic visibility rules, ensuring fields are displayed only when relevant.

Key Features of the Dynamic Highlights Panel

  • Configure up to 12 fields directly in Lightning App Builder.
  • Fields are responsive, wrapping as needed when the browser window resizes.
  • Use dynamic visibility rules to control which fields show for different user profiles, record types, or other conditions.
  • Customise the actions in the panel, with dynamic actions enabled by default.
  • The panel is mobile-responsive, though it requires additional setup to appear on mobile.

Benefits of the Dynamic Highlights Panel

  1. Improved Visibility: Admins can prioritise the most relevant fields, ensuring they are always at the top of the page.
  2. Conditional Visibility: Fields can be shown or hidden based on specific criteria, like user profile, record type, or custom conditions.
  3. Responsive Design: Fields automatically wrap and stay visible, providing a better user experience on different screen sizes.
  4. Mobile Support: Dynamic Highlights Panels can be made available on mobile record pages, ensuring consistency across devices.
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Example: Customising the Dynamic Highlights Panel for Two User Profiles

Let’s imagine a Salesforce Org where two different user profiles interact with an Opportunity record:

  • Sales Rep Profile: Focuses primarily on the revenue and account details.
  • Sales Manager Profile: Needs to see more high-level details, including opportunity stage and probability.

Here’s how we could configure the Dynamic Highlights Panel for these two profiles using visibility rules.

Step 1: Create new Lightning Record Page for the Opportunity

You can create a Lightning Record Page in two ways:

  1. From Object Manager
    • Navigate to Object Manager in Setup
    • Go to Opportunity -> Lightning Record Pages -> New.
    • This allows you to create a brand new page for the Opportunity Object.
  2. From the Opportunity Record Page:
    • Open any Opportunity record. 
    • Click on the Gear icon in the top right corner and select Edit Page.
    • This will open the Lightning App 
    • Builder, where the default Opportunity layout becomes editable, and you can transform it into a Dynamic Form by adding dynamic fields and sections. We are going with the 2nd way.

Step 2: Add the Dynamic Highlights Panel

Drag and drop the Dynamic Highlights Panel component onto the canvas where you want it to appear on the page layout and remove the Old Highlights Panel.

Add the Dynamic Highlights Panel
Add the Dynamic Highlights Panel

Step 3: Configure Fields for Sales Rep Profile

For the Sales Rep Profile, the fields to prioritise in the Highlights Panel might include:

  • Account Name
  • Close Date
  • Amount
  • Next Step

You can configure these fields within the Dynamic Highlights Panel by clicking on the panel and selecting the fields from the options available.

Use Field Filters to Show Fields Only to “Sales Rep Profile” Users

To ensure that specific fields are only visible to users with the Sales Rep Profile, follow these steps:

  1. Select Each Field on the Panel:
    • Click on each field you’ve added to the Dynamic Highlights Panel.
  2. Set Field Visibility:
    • Under the Set Component Visibility section, click on Add Filter.
  3. Go to the Advanced Tab:
    • Click on the Advanced tab to configure the visibility based on user profiles.
  4. Field Selection:
    • Click on the Select button to choose the field you want to use for the filter.
    • From the options, choose User Profile Name.
  5. Set the Filter Criteria:
    • For Operator, select Equals.
    • For Value, enter the profile name as Sales Rep.
  6. Save filter
    • Click Done to save the filter for that field.
  7. Repeat for All Fields
    • Repeat these steps for all the fields in the panel that should be shown only to Sales Rep profile users.

This ensures that only users with the Sales Rep Profile will see the specified fields in the Dynamic Highlights Panel.

Step 4: Configure Fields for Sales Manager Profile

For the Sales Manager Profile, you may want to highlight fields such as:

  • Stage
  • Probability
  • Opportunity Owner
  • Expected Revenue

These fields are important to sales managers who need to keep track of the overall progress of opportunities.

Use Field Filters to Show Fields Only to “Sales Manager Profile” Users

To ensure that specific fields are only visible to users with the Sales Manager Profile, please follow above steps and instead of “Sales Rep” just select “Sales Manager” profile in Visibility Criteria.

Repeat these steps for all the fields in the panel that should be shown only to Sales Manager profile users.

Step 5: Customise Actions

Customise the actions that appear in the Dynamic Highlights Panel. For example, Sales Reps might need actions like Log a Call and Create a Task, whereas Sales Managers may require actions like Close Opportunity or Submit for Approval. Using dynamic actions, you can configure which actions show based on the user’s profile.

Step 6: Enable Mobile Support

To ensure this setup also works on mobile, enable the Dynamic Highlights Panel for mobile:

  • Go to Setup > Salesforce Mobile App > Dynamic Forms and Dynamic Highlights Panel on Mobile.
  • Enable it, so mobile users will see the same fields configured for their profile.

Once the page configuration is done, click on Save and assign the page as Org Default by activating the page. You can then see the difference by logging in as users with the Sales Rep and Sales Manager profiles.

Sales Reps View:

Sales Manager View:


The Dynamic Highlights Panel offers greater flexibility, allowing admins to customise record pages for different user profiles, making it easier to provide relevant information to users based on their needs. The ability to set dynamic visibility rules, combined with responsive design, ensures that the right information is always visible and easy to access, whether users are on desktop or mobile. With the added flexibility to customise fields directly in the Lightning App Builder, admins no longer need to rely on Compact Layouts, saving time and increasing customization options.

Have you tried configuring the Dynamic Highlights Panel for different profiles? Share your experience in the comments below!

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Satyam parasa
Satyam parasa

Satyam Parasa is a Salesforce and Mobile application developer. Passionate about learning new technologies, he is the founder of Flutterant.com, where he shares his knowledge and insights.

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