Category Mulesoft

Salesforce Mulesoft

Scatter-Gather Router

Scatter-Gather Router

In this session we will learn about choice router in MuleSoft. We will cover Scatter-Gather Router, Things to remember when connecting to external systems, HTTP Request, Choice connector and Scatter-Gather connector. Things to remember when you want to connect to…

DataWeave Overview

MuleSoft DataWeave

Join us to learn about Dataweave – The power of Preview and Online Dataweave playground Features. Join our DataWeave overview session. DataWeave is a powerful tool for data transformation, integration and mapping. It is a domain-specific language (DSL) developed by…

Debugging application in Anypoint Studio

Debugging application in Anypoint Studio

Join us to learn about Debugging application in MuleSoft Anypoint Studio. We will talk about flow, Attribute and variables. Also learn about step by step process to use logger in Mulesoft. Debugging application in Anypoint Studio Flow-reference Used to call a…

API Led Connectivity

API Led Connectivity

Join to learn about API Led Connectivity and Application Network accelerates transformation. This session is for all audiences and can help technical and non-technical people to have conversations with Enterprise Architects and Business stakeholders and sponsors when talking about this…

What is MuleSoft

What is MuleSoft

Join us to learn about what is MuleSoft and how to learn muleSoft. If you’ve ever been curious about MuleSoft, we’ve got something just for you. Our brand-new series is here to help you explore MuleSoft in the simplest way…

MuleSoft Composer for Salesforce

MuleSoft Composer for Salesforce

MuleSoft Composer empowering business teams to connect apps and data to Salesforce fast with clicks, not code. It integrate apps and data, instantly, No more waiting on development resources to unlock data. What is MuleSoft Composer ? MuleSoft Composer is…