Amit Chaudhary

Amit Chaudhary

Amit Chaudhary is Salesforce Application & System Architect and working on Salesforce Platform since 2010. He is Salesforce MVP since 2017 and have 17 Salesforce Certificates. He is a active blogger and founder of Apex Hours.

Enterprise Product Catalog(EPC)

Enterprise Product Catalog(EPC)

Join our Introduction to Salesforce Industries EPC (Enterprise Product Catalog) post. Before we begin into further details about Enterprise Product catalogue we would like to provide context which clouds make use of Enterprise Product Catalog(EPC). Salesforce Industries covers many clouds…

Salesforce Business Analyst

How to become Salesforce Business Analyst

When it comes to wearing multiple hats, you definitely need multiple skills to ace it. If you are looking forward to building a career as a Salesforce Business Analyst in the Salesforce industry or are already one but want to…

Salesforce DX Useful CLI Commands

Salesforce DX Useful CLI Commands

This command reference contains information about the Salesforce CLI commands and their parameters. The first section contains commands for the sfdx executable and the second for the sf executable. Let’s Check Salesforce DX Useful CLI Commands to increase your development productivity. 1. Install Salesforce…

Switch Statement in Salesforce

Switch Statement in Salesforce

Salesforce introduced the Switch statement in the Winter’18 release. But still, very less developers are using Switch statements in Salesforce. In this post, we will learn about the switch statement in the apex. What are Switch Statements? Apex provides a switch statement that tests…