Unlocked Packages in Salesforce

Unlocked Packages in Salesforce

Packaging allows you to group various Salesforce Components for distribution or deployment. In this post, we will learn about unlocked packages and the difference between unmanaged, managed, and unlocked packages. What is an Unlocked Package? Salesforce offers different types of…

Einstein Next Best Action (NBA)

Einstein’s Next Best Action is not AI. But it is still incredible. “ApexHours” organized another successful session on “Einstein Next Best Action (NBA)” with “Daniel Peter“. Join our Developer Group for all future events. What is Einstein’s Next Best Action? Einstein Next…

Survey in Salesforce

Join us to learn about Survey in Salesforce. Every business small or big wants to satisfy its customer’s need since customers are the lifeblood of any business. If you do not know what customers think about your service, you will never…

Basics of Pardot

Basics of Pardot

More and more businesses are purchasing Pardot, so what do you need to know? Learn how it works, data considerations you need to be aware of, common troubleshooting issues, and everything you’ll be asked if your org is integrated with…

Lightning Locker Services

In this session we talk about Lightning Locker Services in lightning component. We covered the What is malicious JavaScript ? What is cross-site scripting(XSS)? Here is the Agenda –  1 What is Lightning Locker Service? 2 Why there is a…