Leveraging TypeScript in Salesforce Development: A Comprehensive Guide

TypeScript has been gaining significant popularity among developers in recent years, and for good reason. As a strongly-typed superset of JavaScript, it offers enhanced features that can greatly improve code quality and developer productivity. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can leverage TypeScript within the Salesforce ecosystem, particularly with Lightning Web Components (LWC). Join us to learn about Leveraging TypeScript in Salesforce Development: A Comprehensive Guide.

Why Use TypeScript with Salesforce?

  1. Improved Code Quality: TypeScript’s static typing helps catch errors during development, reducing runtime issues.
  2. Enhanced Productivity: Features like auto-completion and type inference speed up development.
  3. Better Code Maintainability: Types make code more self-documenting and easier to refactor.
  4. Closer Alignment with Web Standards: TypeScript brings your components closer to web standards and new browser features.
Type SystemDynamically typedStatically typed
Error DetectionMany errors are caught at runtimeCatches type errors during development
Tooling SupportLimited IDE supportEnhanced IDE support
ECMAScript FeaturesSupports latest based on runtimeSupports all features, compiles down
Additional Language FeaturesLimited to ECMAScript specsIncludes interfaces, enums, etc.
Learning CurveEasier to pick upRequires understanding of type systems
CompilationNo compilation stepRequires compilation to JavaScript
Type InferenceNo built-in type inferencePowerful type inference capabilities
Module SupportModule support variesConsistent module support with additional features
Community and EcosystemLarger community and ecosystemA growing community with increasing adoption

TypeScript Support in Salesforce:

As of Winter ’25, Salesforce offers developer preview support for authoring Lightning Web Components using TypeScript v5.4.5 and later. This allows developers to either create new components in TypeScript or convert existing JavaScript components.

Getting Started with TypeScript in LWC:

1. Enable TypeScript Support:

  • Ensure you have a `tsconfig.json` file in your project’s root directory.
  • Set the `target` compiler option to “ESNext”.
  • Make sure `experimentalDecorators` is set to false or unset.

2. Add TypeScript to Your Project:

  •    Run `npm install typescript –save-dev` to add TypeScript as a dev dependency.

3. Converting Existing Components:

  • Change the file extension from `.js` to `.ts`.
  • Run the TypeScript compiler and resolve any compilation errors.

Examples of TypeScript in Salesforce

1. Lightning Web Component

import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';

// Advantage: Clear definition of data structure
interface Contact {
    Id: string;
    FirstName: string;
    LastName: string;
    Email?: string;

export default class ContactCard extends LightningElement {
    // Advantage: Type-safe properties
    contact: Contact;

    // Advantage: Type inference for return values
    get fullName(): string {
        return `${this.contact.FirstName} ${this.contact.LastName}`;

    // Advantage: Type-safe event handling
    handleClick(event: MouseEvent): void {
        console.log(`Clicked at: ${event.clientX}, ${event.clientY}`);


  • A clear definition of the Contact interface ensures consistent data structure.
  • Type-safe properties prevent accidental assignment of incorrect data types.
  • Return type inference improves code readability and maintainability.
  • Type-safe event handling reduces runtime errors related to event properties.

2. Salesforce Function

import { InvocationEvent, Context, Logger, RecordQueryResult } from '@salesforce/sf-fx-sdk-nodejs';

// Advantage: Custom type definition for Salesforce data
type AccountRecord = {
    Id: string;
    Name: string;
    AnnualRevenue?: number;

// Advantage: Type-safe function parameters
export default async function (event: InvocationEvent<Input>, context: Context, logger: Logger) {
    // Advantage: Type-safe query result
    const result: RecordQueryResult<AccountRecord> = await context.org.dataApi.query<AccountRecord>('SELECT Id, Name, AnnualRevenue FROM Account LIMIT 10');
    // Advantage: Type-safe array operations
    const highValueAccounts = result.records.filter(account => account.AnnualRevenue && account.AnnualRevenue > 1000000);
    return { highValueAccounts };


  • Custom type definition for AccountRecord ensures consistent data structure across the function.
  • Type-safe function parameters prevent passing incorrect argument types.
  • Type-safe query result ensures proper handling of returned data.
  • Type-safe array operations reduce potential runtime errors when working with complex data structures.

3. Salesforce CLI Plugin:

import { Command, Flags } from '@oclif/core';
import { Connection, SfdxError } from '@salesforce/core';
import { AnyJson } from '@salesforce/ts-types';

export default class Org extends Command {
    static description = 'Print a greeting with org info';

    // Advantage: Type-safe flag definitions
    static flags = {
        targetusername: Flags.string({
            char: 'u',
            description: 'username or alias for the target org',
            required: true,

    // Advantage: Type-safe method signature
    public async run(): Promise<AnyJson> {
        const { flags } = await this.parse(Org);

        // Advantage: Type-safe connection creation
        const conn = await Connection.create({
            authInfo: { username: flags.targetusername },

        // Advantage: Type inference for query result
        const org = await conn.query('SELECT Name, TrialExpirationDate from Organization');
        const output = `Hello world! This is org: ${org.records[0].Name} and I will be around until ${org.records[0].TrialExpirationDate}!`;

        return { orgName: org.records[0].Name, trialExpirationDate: org.records[0].TrialExpirationDate };


  • Type-safe flag definitions ensure correct usage of command-line arguments.
  • Type-safe method signature improves code reliability and maintainability.
  • Type-safe connection creation prevents runtime errors due to incorrect configuration.
  • Type inference for query results reduces the chances of accessing non-existent properties.

Using TypeScript in Different Salesforce Contexts

1. Lightning Web Components (LWC):

  •  Limited support is currently available.
  •  Use JSDoc constructs to specify types.
  •  Enable type checking with the `//@ts-check` flag or by setting `checkJs: true` in `jsconfig.json`.

2. Lightning Web Runtime (LWR):

  •  Full TypeScript support for off-platform single-page applications.
  •  Use `.ts` files for components.

3. Salesforce Functions:

  •  TypeScript is a supported language for creating Salesforce Functions.
  •  Utilize the Salesforce Function SDK for Node.js for pre-defined types.

4. Salesforce CLI Plugins:

  • Built using TypeScript on top of OCLIF.
  • Leverages the `@salesforce/ts-types` library for common types and type-narrowing functions.

5. Slack Apps:

  • Use TypeScript with the `@slack/bolt` library for building Slack apps.

Salesforce Lightning Types:

Salesforce provides type definitions for its packages via the `@salesforce/lightning-types` Node package. To use these types:

  1. Install the package: `npm install @salesforce/lightning-types`
  2. Create a TypeScript file to import the typings.
  3. Reference the file in your `tsconfig.json`.

Pros of Using TypeScript in Salesforce:

  • Enhanced Code Quality: TypeScript’s static typing helps catch errors during development, reducing runtime issues and improving overall code reliability.
  • Improved Developer Productivity: Features like auto-completion, type inference, and better IDE support speed up development and make it easier to work with complex codebases.
  • Better Code Maintainability: Types make code more self-documenting, easier to understand, and simpler to refactor, especially in large projects.
  • Early Error Detection: TypeScript can catch many errors at compile-time that would only be discovered at runtime in JavaScript.
  • Enhanced Refactoring: TypeScript’s type system makes it safer and easier to perform large-scale refactoring.
  • Improved Collaboration: Types serve as a form of documentation, making it easier for team members to understand and work with each other’s code.

Cons of Using TypeScript in Salesforce:

  • Learning Curve: Developers need to learn TypeScript syntax and concepts, which can be challenging for those new to typed languages.
  • Additional Setup: TypeScript requires configuration and compilation steps, which can add complexity to the development process.
  • Limited Support: As of now, TypeScript support in Salesforce is still in developer preview, meaning some features and integrations may be limited or subject to change.
  • Potential Overhead: The compilation step can add a small amount of time to the build process, which might be noticeable in larger projects.
  • Type Definition Maintenance: As your project grows, maintaining type definitions can become an additional task, especially for complex or frequently changing data structures.
  • Incomplete Type Definitions: Some third-party libraries or Salesforce-specific features may lack comprehensive type definitions, requiring developers to create their own or use `any` types, which reduces the benefits of TypeScript.

Considerations and Limitations:

  • TypeScript support is still in developer preview for LWC.
  • Some features like using TypeScript with Salesforce CLI and source map debugging are not yet supported.
  • Type definitions for custom Salesforce fields and objects are not available.
  • While TypeScript offers many benefits, it’s important to weigh these against the potential overhead and learning curve for your team.
  • Consider gradually adopting TypeScript in your Salesforce projects, starting with new components or modules and slowly converting existing ones as needed.


Incorporating TypeScript into your Salesforce development workflow can significantly enhance your code quality and productivity. While full support is still evolving, the current capabilities allow developers to start leveraging TypeScript’s benefits in various Salesforce contexts. As Salesforce continues to expand its TypeScript support, we can expect even more robust integration in the future.

As with any technology choice, it’s crucial to evaluate whether TypeScript aligns with your team’s skills, project requirements, and long-term goals. While it offers significant advantages in terms of code quality and maintainability, the decision to adopt TypeScript should be made after careful consideration of both its benefits and potential challenges in your specific Salesforce development context.


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Anand Dosapati
Anand Dosapati

Salesforce Solution Architect

Articles: 7


  1. Nice summary of TypeScript , will help devs getting started with it. Looking forward to what SF announces in DF.

  2. Great article! Leveraging TypeScript in Salesforce development is a smart move for improving code quality and productivity. The examples you provided for LWC, Salesforce Functions, and CLI plugins highlight the real-world benefits of type safety and early error detection. I’m excited to see more Salesforce features supporting TypeScript!

  3. is there any guide on how to set TypeScript for Salesforce LWC on Intellij IDEA (not ultimate) ? i’m trying my best but i’m not getting any good result

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