Creating Lookup Field in Flow

So far we learn about what is Salesforce flow builder and screen flow. In this session we will learn about how to create lookup field and Picklist field in flow. Lookup is one of the Flow Screen Input Component and Picklist let users choose from a list of options in a picklist format. Let see how Creating Lookup Field in Flow.

Lookup Screen Component in Salesforce Lightning Flow: Salesforce has released (Spring 20) a new screen component – Lookup. As the name suggests, this new screen component lets users search for a record in a flow just like a lookup field in Salesforce.

Lookup Field in Flow


Create Opportunity Record using Screen flow which will have following fields

  1. Name
  2. Account Name
  3. Close Date
  4. Stage Name
  5. Description
  6. Lead Source
  7. Type

Creating Lookup Field in Flow Video

How to Use the Lookup Screen Component in Salesforce Lightning Flow. Lets see the below sessions.

  • Lookup Field in Flow
  • Picklist field in flow
  • Record Choice Set in flow
YouTube video

Check our complete Salesforce Flow Builder Training here.

Further learning

If you are new to Salesforce then please check our Salesforce Admin Training here. Check out the our YouTube, and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel, so that you’re notified right away when a new video is available.

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Amit Chaudhary
Amit Chaudhary

Amit Chaudhary is Salesforce Application & System Architect and working on Salesforce Platform since 2010. He is Salesforce MVP since 2017 and have 17 Salesforce Certificates.

He is a active blogger and founder of Apex Hours.

Articles: 481


  1. This requirement can be fulfilled by going to New action button on account and directly create child object on the screen by choosing any related object.

  2. *************Do you have any idea that is there any way to create the new Account from the lookup field on the screen? ************

  3. Thank you for the overview. This was exactly what I needed! It seems obvious after listening, but I was scratching my head for so long while receiving a permissions error.

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