Computer telephony integration (CTI)

In this session we will learn about Computer telephony integration (CTI)  in salesforce and how to connect Amazon connect with Salesforce CTI with step by step process.

What is CTI?

Computer Telephony Integration is a type of technology that enables computer and telephone system to interact together.

Salesforce Call Center Terminology

SoftphoneAn on-screen phone from which you can make and receive calls.
Call CenterA Salesforce feature that integrates Salesforce with call systems built by developers or partners.
Open CTIA JavaScript API that lets developers or partners build cloud-based call systems for use with Salesforce’s Call Center. Since Open CTI is browser and platform agnostic, support agents can make calls on any browser and platform of their choice. Support agents can place a call with Microsoft® Internet Explorer®, Mozilla® Firefox®, Apple® Safari®, or Google Chrome™ on Mac, Linux, or Windows. They can use the technologies they like. Awesome!

Computer telephony integration (CTI) Video

Check our session for step by step process to connect Amazon connect with Salesforce using CTI Adapter.

YouTube video

Please check this post for our old and upcoming session on Service Cloud. Here is playlist of our service cloud sessions recording


Learn more about Salesforce CTI Integration here.

Amit Chaudhary
Amit Chaudhary

Amit Chaudhary is Salesforce Application & System Architect and working on Salesforce Platform since 2010. He is Salesforce MVP since 2017 and have 17 Salesforce Certificates.

He is a active blogger and founder of Apex Hours.

Articles: 469


  1. Final Session was given by the Salesforce specialist Amit which was very surprising one and happy to be part of that session. Thanks everyone for Making a valuable guidance for the Salesforce Learners.

  2. Thanks Amit for wonderful service cloud training session . You are best mentor always guide to new learner and help to improve skills in Salesforce Eco-system .

  3. First of All Thanks to Amit Bhaiya.
    Explained Very well and Out of the box feature.

    Once Again Thanks to All Speakers and Apex Hours Team for Wonderful Series in Free of Cost..!

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