The Object type of every Salesforce record ID is encoded in its first three characters. For example, given Record ID 0010000000000AA, if you look up “001” in the table below, you’ll find that the object is Account. Let’s see how to find the Salesforce Object Key Prefix in your Salesforce org.
What is the Salesforce Object Key Prefix?
We know there are two types of record-id present in salesforce (18 digit — Case Insensitive,15 digit — Case Sensitive). Only 3 digit of ids represent object type. The following is a list of the Salesforce Standard Object ID prefixs.
Object | Prefix |
Account | 001 |
NOTE | 002 |
Contact | 003 |
User | 005 |
Opportunity | 006 |
Activity | 007 |
Get Object Prefix using Apex
If you want to get the Prefix of any object. Please try the below code.
String keyPrefix = Account.sObjectType.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix();
System.debug('PREFIX--' + keyPrefix );
Find Object Name with Record Id
If you want to get the Object Name from RecordId then please try below code.
public class SchemaGlobalDescribeToGetObjectName
public static String findObjectNameFromRecordIdPrefix(String recordIdOrPrefix)
String objectName = '';
String IdPrefix = String.valueOf(recordIdOrPrefix).substring(0,3);
Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
for(Schema.SObjectType stype : gd.values())
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult r = stype.getDescribe();
String prefix = r.getKeyPrefix();
if(prefix!=null && prefix.equals(IdPrefix))
objectName = r.getName();
System.debug('Object Name! ' + objectName);
}catch(Exception e){
return objectName;
Get All Object Prefix
How to find Prefix for all standard objects in Salesforce.
Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> globalDescribe = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
for(String objectName : globalDescribe.keySet()) {
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult dsr = globalDescribe.get(objectName).getDescribe();
if (dsr.getKeyPrefix()!=null && !objectName.contains('__c') ){
System.debug(objectName + ' ' + dsr.getKeyPrefix());
Salesforce Object Key Prefix List
Entity | Prefix |
Account | 001 |
Contact | 003 |
User | 005 |
Opportunity | 006 |
Activity | 007 |
Organization | 00D |
Profile | 00e |
Page Layout | 00h |
OpportunityContactRole | 00K |
Lead | 00Q |
RecordType | 012 |
RecordTypePicklist | 013 |
ConnectedApplication | 0H4 |
JobTracker | 0JT |
UserListViewCriterion | 0JU |
PlatformAction | 0JV |
SetupNode | 0JW |
SetupCustomNode | 0JX |
MacroAction | 0JY |
RegisteredExternalService | 1uu |
Macro | 0JZ |
ReadOnlyOauthToken | 0Ja |
ReadOnlyOauthTokenScope | 0Jb |
ForecastingCategoryMapping | 0Jd |
UserProvisioningConfig | 0Je |
DomainSite | 0Jf |
ForecastingTypeToCategory | 0Jg |
MacroInstruction | 0Ji |
CopySuspension | 0Jj |
ReadOnlySecurityToken | 0Jk |
ReadOnlyLoginIp | 0Jl |
ReadOnlyLoginIpEmail | 0Jm |
PlatformActionList | 0Jn |
PlatformActionListItem | 0Jo |
ReadOnlyClientBrowser | 0Jp |
SCSInboundSettings | 0Jq |
ThirdPartyAccountLink | 0Jr |
SkinnyIndex | 0Js |
SkinnyIndexColumn | 0Jt |
RelationshipInfo | 0Ju |
RelationshipDomain | 0Jv |
StandardAction | 0Jy |
TodayGoal | 0Jz |
ActionKnowledgeSubmit | 0K0 |
ActionChatterPost | 0K2 |
ActionChatterPostRecipient | 0K3 |
SamplingStrategy | 0K4 |
SampledEntity | 0K6 |
StorageConfigAuditTrail | 0K7 |
QueueRoutingConfig | 0K9 |
UserConfigTransferSkill | 0KA |
UserConfigTransferButton | 0KB |
TabDefinition | 0KD |
SqlIdToRequestMap | 0KG |
InstalledSubscriberPackageVersion | 0KM |
SecurityHealthCheckRisks | 0KO |
PresenceConfigDeclineReason | 0KP |
PresenceDeclineReason | 0KR |
StandardValueSet | 0KY |
ReportInstanceQuery | 0KZ |
SurveyEmailBranding | 0Ka |
SyncTransactionLog | 0Kb |
SurveyQuestionChoice | 0Kc |
Survey | 0Kd |
SurveyPage | 0Ke |
TwoFactorMethodsInfo | 0Kg |
FormulaFunctionCategory | 0Kh |
SurveyInvitation | 0Ki |
CustomAppMetrics | 0Km |
FormulaFunction | 0Kn |
GlobalVariable | 0Ko |
TwoFactorMethodsInfoLocal | 0Kp |
LoginFlow | 0Kq |
SurveyQuestionResponse | 0Kr |
SurveyVersion | 0Ks |
AssociatedLocation | 0Kt |
SurveyQuestion | 0Ku |
ResourcePreference | 0Kz |
TenantPlatformLicense | 0L2 |
TenantUserLicense | 0L3 |
TenantEditionLicense | 0L4 |
TenantAddOnLicense | 0L5 |
TenantLicensingRequest | 0LC |
RecalcCampaignStats | 0LD |
SamlSsoConfig | 0LE |
ReportInstance | 0LG |
SocialKeyJobLog | 0LH |
SocialKeyEntityErrorLog | 0LI |
ModerationRule | 0LJ |
KeywordList | 0LM |
StorageSizeJob | 0LN |
SetupAssistantAnswer | 0LO |
UserCriteria | 0LV |
LicensedCustomPermission | 0Lc |
LicenseDefinition | 0Ld |
ExternalServiceRegistration | 0Le |
UserFeedChannel | 0Lf |
UserSetupAppInfo | 0Lg |
AssetTokenEvent | 0Li |
AnalyticActionConfiguration | 0Lj |
NavigationLinkSet | 0Lm |
AutoActivityCaptureMetrics | 0Lo |
EmbeddedServiceDetail | 0Lq |
AvroSchema | 0Ls |
ProductTransfer | 0Lu |
BrandingSet | 0Lw |
AIModel | 0Lx |
BrandingSetProperty | 0Ly |
FlexiPage | 0M0 |
SocialUserAuth | 0M1 |
FlexiPageRegion | 0M2 |
SocialKeyParentRecord | 0M3 |
SocialKeyPersonaRecord | 0M4 |
Territory2Type | 0M5 |
StreamingChannel | 0M6 |
SandboxObserver | 0M9 |
Territory2Model | 0MA |
SearchPromotionRule | 0MD |
SessionLevelPolicy | 0ME |
SynonymDictionary | 0MF |
TransitionMessage | 0MH |
Territory2 | 0MI |
SystemStreamingChannel | 0MJ |
XCleanMatchRateMetrics | 0MK |
LayoutSectionState | 0MN |
AppNotifTypeOrgSetting | 0MO |
UserCustomBadge | 0MQ |
MetricsDataFile | 0MR |
ContentOrgMetrics | 0MT |
UserFavorite | 0MV |
BuffaloOrgEstimate | 0MW |
ChatterExtension | 0MY |
SourceMember | 0MZ |
SandboxObserver2 | 0Ma |
ChatterExtensionInstance | 0Mb |
FieldServiceMobileSettings | 0Mf |
AppExtension | 0Mg |
NavigationMenuItem | 0Mi |
MessagingChannel | 0Mj |
WindowsPushApplicationSetup | 0Mk |
FeedEntityRead | 0Mp |
FeedRead | 0Ms |
BuffaloMigrationEvent | 0Mt |
BuffaloMigrationManagement | 0Mu |
MessagingSession | 0Mw |
SurveyResponse | 0My |
DomainProvision | 0Mz |
UserMembershipSharingRule | 0N0 |
UserCriteriaSharingRule | 0N1 |
UserShare | 0N2 |
UserSharingRuleFilterItem | 0N3 |
RuleTerritory2Association | 0N4 |
ServicePresenceStatus | 0N5 |
ServiceChannel | 0N9 |
SecureAgent | 0NB |
ServiceChannelStatus | 0NC |
SecureAgentPlugin | 0ND |
SecureAgentPluginProperty | 0NE |
TransactionSecurityPolicy | 0NI |
S2XAdminError | 0NK |
StandardReportType | 0NL |
SearchQuerySuggestion | 0NM |
PostArchivalDeletionRequest | 0NN |
ReputationLevel | 0NU |
ReputationPointsRule | 0NV |
SOSDeployment | 0NW |
SOSSession – SOS video calls | 0NX |
SOSSessionActivity | 0NZ |
UserListView | 0Na |
PresenceUserConfig | 0Nd |
PresenceUserConfigUser | 0Ne |
PresenceUserConfigProfile | 0Nf |
CleanInfo | 0Ng |
CleanActivityLog | 0Nh |
UserProvAccount | 0Ni |
CleanEntityError | 0Nj |
LiveChatBlockingRule | 0No |
XCleanBulkJob | 0Np |
SharedPicklistDefinition | 0Nt |
EntityParticle | 0Nv |
UserAppMenuCustomization | 0Nw |
XinstanceInfo | 0O0 |
TwoFactorU2F | 0O1 |
FieldMappingField | 0O6 |
FieldMappingRow | 0O7 |
FieldMapping | 0O8 |
Shipment | 0OB |
TransactionSecurityCondition | 0OC |
InteractionCountReport | 0OD |
SubscriberTabSetMember | 0OE |
FlexipageComponentMetrics / BulkDedupeJob | 0OF |
BaseEventInterface / DuplicateRuleJob | 0OG |
OperatingHours | 0OH |
MatchingRuleJob | 0OI |
OrgLifecycleNotification | 0OL |
ProcessInstanceNode | 0OO |
VisualforceAccessMetrics | 0OP |
NetworkAffinity | 0OV |
WaveCompatibilityCheckItem | 0OZ |
ComponentResponseCache | 0Oa |
ChatterExtensionConfig | 0Ob |
DashboardComponentColumn | 0Oe |
DashboardComponentResult | 0Of |
CaseSubjectParticle | 0Oi |
ScorecardMetric | 0Om |
PendingChangeContainer | 0Oq |
DatasetExportEvent | 0Or |
FlowVariableAssignment | 0P0 |
Certificate | 0P1 |
CertificateIp | 0P2 |
CalendarSharing | 0P9 |
MessagingEndUser | 0PA |
DuplicateJob | 0PB |
DuplicateJobMatchingRule | 0PC |
CustomPermissionDependency | 0PD |
ParallelJobItemData | 0PF |
Individual | 0PK |
PermissionSetLicense | 0PL |
DuplicateJobDefinition | 0PO |
DuplicateJobMatchingRuleDefinition | 0PP |
ProcessTimeQueue | 0PQ |
PermissionSet – Permission set metadata | 0PS |
PushUpgradeExcludedOrg | 0PX |
MetadataContainerMember | 0PZ |
PermissionSetAssignment | 0Pa |
ChannelProgram | 0Pk |
ChannelProgramLevel | 0Pl |
ChannelProgramMember | 0Pm |
EinsteinApplication | 0Pp |
PredictionConfig | 0Pq |
PredictionField | 0Pr |
PushBackDefinition | 0Ps |
PackageVersionInstallRequestError | 0Pt |
PackageVersionUninstallRequestError | 0Pu |
BigObjectsRecordMetrics | 0Pv |
DatasetExport | 0Px |
DatasetExportPart | 0Py |
EventTypeDefinition | 0Pz |
Quote Doc | 0Q0 |
OutgoingEmail | 0Q1 |
OutgoingEmailRelation | 0Q3 |
UserMetrics | 0Q5 |
DirectMessageMemberActivity | 0Q7 |
FeedSignal | 0QJ |
PinnedEntity | 0QK |
EinsteinAppAnalytics | 0QM |
FTestGenInterface | 0QO |
FTestGenBodyInterface | 0QP |
MetadataContainerMemberWithSymbolTable | 0QT |
ShareInterface | 0QU |
MultiCurrency | 0QV |
MetadataContainerMemberWithBody | 0QY |
Auditable | 0QZ |
EntityEventInterface | 0Qb |
ActionQuickCreate | 0Qc |
DataExportEventInterface | 0Qd |
TransactionSecurityEventInterface | 0Qg |
SoftDeletable | 0Qi |
RecordUserAccessInterface | 0Qj |
UserNavItem | 0Qk |
ScorecardAssociation | 0Qn |
ExternalCredential | 0Qo |
SandOmBulkExport | 0Qp |
VerificationHistory | 0Qt |
SecureAgentsCluster | 0Qy |
Nameable | 0Qz |
QuoteDocument | 0QD |
QuoteLineItem | 0QL |
QuoteTemplateRichTextData | 0QR |
UserTerritory2Association | 0R0 |
UserServicePresence | 0R1 |
UiPlugin | 0R2 |
PartnerFundAllocation | 0R8 |
ActivityRelation | 0RA |
PartnerFundClaim | 0RB |
CollaborationGroupRank | 0RC |
RecommendationDefinition | 0RD |
EventRelation | 0RE |
SandOmExportedBlob | 0RH |
PartnerFundRequest | 0RJ |
FlowCategory | 0RL |
BigObjectCounter | 0RM |
TaskRelation | 0RT |
LightningBolt | 0RX |
CustomSettingNameIndex | 0RY |
PlinyPhysicalDeleteJob | 0RZ |
LightningComponentBundle | 0Rb |
LightningComponentResource | 0Rd |
LinkedInLeadGenToken | 0Rf |
InteractionLCMetrics | 0Rg |
TopicDataCategoryRule | 0Rh |
LinkedInLeadGenConfig | 0Ri |
FlowCategoryItem | 0Rl |
LinkedInLeadGenAdAccount | 0Rp |
LightningBoltItem | 0Rr |
FolderClosure | 0Rt |
LightningBoltImage | 0Ru |
LightningBoltFeature | 0Rv |
PersonalizedUnswdQuestion | 0Rx |
LightningExperienceTheme | 0S1 |
S2XPushSubscription | 0S2 |
ProfileSkillEndorsement | 0SE |
ServiceReportLayout | 0SL |
ProfileSkillUser | 0SM |
AuthProvider | 0SO |
SocialPersona | 0SP |
SignupRequest | 0SR |
SocialPost | 0ST |
AqtIncidentDetection | 0SU |
ReportInstanceCsvResult | 0SV |
MetadataContainerMemberWithBinaryBody | 0Sa |
ProfileSkill | 0Sk |
ReturnOrderLineItem | 0Sn |
ActionOverrideMetrics | 0Sy |
SetupFlowProgress | 0T0 |
IndividualShare | 0T5 |
EmailDomainFilter | 0T6 |
ProdDbHammerRequest | 0TH |
TopicIndex | 0TI |
EventTypeFieldDefinition | 0TJ |
Topic | 0TO |
WaveAssetEvent | 0TN |
CloudConfiguration | 0TR |
ProductRequest | 0TS |
Trialforce Template | 0TT |
TopicOntology | 0TY |
MetadataComponentDependency | 0Tj |
ValidationRuleInfo | 0Ts |
TopicTerm | 0Tt |
BaseSessionInterface | 0Tv |
ProductRequestLineItem | 0Tw |
LightningUsageByPageMetrics | 0U5 |
SsoUserMapping | 0UM |
BotSessionsMetrics | 0US |
TenantUsageEntitlement | 0UT |
LbpmMetrics | 0Ua |
WorkThanks | 0W0 |
WorkBadgeDefinition | 0W1 |
WorkBadge | 0W2 |
WorkReward | 0W3 |
WorkRewardFund | 0W4 |
WorkAccess | 0W5 |
WorkPerformanceCycle | 0W7 |
WorkFeedbackQuestionSet | 0W8 |
WorkFeedbackQuestion | 0WA |
WorkFeedback | 0WB |
WorkFeedbackRequest | 0WC |
WorkCoaching | 0WD |
WorkGoal | 0WE |
WorkGoalCollaborator | 0WF |
WorkGoalLink | 0WG |
WorkRewardFundType | 0WH |
Goal | 0WI |
Metric | 0WJ |
GoalLink | 0WK |
WorkFeedbackTemplate | 0WL |
MetricDataLink | 0WM |
WorkOrder | 0WO |
NamedCredential | 0XA |
ListEmail | 0XB |
WorkSkillRoutingAttribute | 0Xb |
ExternalDataSource – Data Source for External Objects | 0XC |
ListEmailRecipientSource | 0XD |
ListEmailSentResult | 0XE |
CustomHttpHeader | 0XH |
SalesforceIqUser | 0XR |
ExternalDataUserAuth | 0XU |
SourceChangeNotification | 0Xv |
LoginHistory | 0Ya |
SetupAuditTrail | 0Ym |
RateLimitIntBuckets | 0Yq |
ParallelJobStatus | 0Ys |
IdpEventLog | 0Yu |
UserLogin | 0Yw |
FileInspectionResult | 0ZA |
SendEmailActionDefinition | 0ZQ |
ForecastingDisplayedFamily | 0Zx |
FlexipagePageTypeMetrics | 0a2 |
AuraDefinitionChange | 0aD |
AuraDefinitionBundleInfo | 0ab |
AuraDefinitionInfo | 0ad |
AudienceMembership | 0am |
CustomIndexDefinition | 0c0 |
CustomIndexFieldDefinition | 0c1 |
ChatterActivity | 0ca |
OauthConsumerScope | 0cs |
OrgDeleteRequest | 0dr |
ProfileClientSettings | 0e1 |
EntityBlacklist | 0eb |
Endorsement | 0en |
CommChannelLayout | 0eo |
CommChannelLayoutItem | 0ep |
CommChannelLayoutMapping | 0eq |
FeedRecommendationInfo | 0fr |
CaseArticle | 0gv |
HashtagCount | 0hc |
HashtagDefinition | 0hd |
Hashtag | 0ht |
KnowledgeableUser | 0in |
UserListPreference | 0ka |
ManagedTopicLocation | 0mt |
ProcessNodeSecurity | 0ns |
RemoteProxy – Remote Site Setting to allow access to an external URL. | 0rp |
ChatterAnswersReputationLevel | 0rs |
ChatterAnswersActivity | 0sa |
ServiceProvider | 0sp |
ScheduledRecommendation | 0sr |
TagDefinition | 0t0 |
TopicRecordSetting | 0tR |
TopicSuggestionSetting | 0tS |
TopicComputeStatus | 0ta |
TopicUserEvent | 0te |
TopicGroupActivity | 0tg |
TopicNameChange | 0tn |
TrendingTopic | 0tr |
ProcessTransitionSecurity | 0ts |
TopicUserActivity | 0tu |
UserPermissionAccess | 0up |
UserRecSummary | 0ur |
UserLicense | 100 |
ExternalString – Custom Label | 101 |
FeatureLicense | 102 |
TaskRecurrenceException | 10y |
EventRecurrenceException | 10z |
ObjectPermissions Doc | 110 |
EventComments | 111 |
ProposedEventTime | 112 |
ProposedEventResponse | 113 |
DBCThumbnail | 11a |
Address | 130 |
Location | 131 |
OpportunitySplitType | 149 |
EmbeddedServiceBranding | 19i |
CleanAccountBackup | 1AB |
AssetRelationship | 1AR |
AccountCleanInfo | 1CA |
CleanContactBackup | 1CB |
ContactCleanInfo | 1CC |
PathAssistantStepInfo | 1CF |
LeadCleanInfo | 1CL |
PathAssistant | 1CP |
PathAssistantStepItem | 1CS |
DigitalSignature | 1DS |
EncryptionStatistics | 1ED |
DataDotComFieldSetting | 1EF |
EncryptableDataProblem | 1EP |
DataDotComEntitySetting | 1ES |
EventType / CustomEvent | 1EV |
EventTypeParameter | 1Ep |
CleanFieldSettingOld | 1FS |
CleanJobSetting | 1JS |
FieldHistoryArchive | 1HA |
LoginEvent | 1HB |
PlatformEventMetric | 1HC |
ComparisonSummary | 1L7 |
ComparisonResult | 1L8 |
CleanLeadBackup | 1LB |
MaintenanceAsset | 1MA |
MetaMindConnection | 1MC |
MaintenancePlan | 1MP |
PersonAccountMetrics | 1Mc |
NamespaceRegistry | 1NR |
CaseExternalDocument | 1OZ |
MenuItem | 1S1 |
StampAssignment | 1SA |
ServiceReport | 1SR |
Stamp | 1ST |
ServiceTerritoryLocation | 1Sl |
LinkedArticle | 1WK |
WorkOrderLineItem | 1WL |
BranchMerge | 1bm |
Branch | 1br |
ChangeListBranch | 1cb |
Integration | 1ci |
ChangeList | 1cl |
ServiceCrewMember | 1cm |
ServiceCrew | 1cr |
MetadataContainer – from the Tooling AP | 1dc |
IDEWorkspace | 1de |
ApexExecutionOverlayAction | 1do |
IDEPerspective | 1dp |
ContainerAsyncRequest – from the Tooling API | 1dr |
GitHubRepositoryLink | 1gh |
GitHubPushOperation | 1gp |
MetadataRevisionTemplate | 1mr |
LightningToggleMetrics | 1o1 |
PartitionLevelMember | 1pm |
PartitionLevelScheme | 1ps |
Repository | 1rp |
ResetAsyncRequest | 1rr |
StagingArea | 1sa |
TimeSheetEntry | 1te |
TimeSheet | 1ts |
VersionedContentEntity | 1vc |
ChunkableTask | 200 |
ChunkableEntityTally | 201 |
ChunkableEntityChunk | 202 |
ChunkableEntityTally2 | 203 |
SfdcPartner | 204 |
ChunkableEntityChunk2 | 205 |
EmailRelay | 26Z |
ActiveScratchOrg | 2AS |
ChunkableTask2 | 2CE |
EncryptionStatisticsChunk | 2ED |
EncryptableDataProblemChunk | 2EP |
CleanFactEntityClaim | 2FE |
CleanFactFieldClaim | 2FF |
PermissionSetLicenseAssign | 2LA |
PersonalizationResource | 2hf |
ScratchOrgInfo | 2SR |
ReturnOrder | 2oN |
FlowDefinition – InteractionDefinition – Visual Workflow or Flow | 300 |
InteractionDefinitionVersion | 301 |
InteractionScreenFieldParam | 307 |
InteractionCondition | 308 |
InteractionOperand | 309 |
InteractionAllocator | 30A |
InteractionChoice | 30C |
InteractionDecision | 30D |
InteractionForm | 30F |
InteractionConnector | 30L |
InteractionQuestion | 30Q |
InteractionReference | 30R |
InteractionStatement | 30S |
InteractionVariable | 30V |
InteractionWait | 30W |
ProcessPlugin | 30X |
InteractionAllocation | 30a |
InteractionConstant | 30c |
InteractionDataColumn | 30d |
InteractionWaitEvent | 30e |
InteractionFormula | 30f |
InteractionLayoutGroup | 30g |
InteractionApexCall | 30m |
InteractionWaitEventParam | 30p |
InteractionResource | 30r |
InteractionTodo | 30t |
InteractionValueList | 30v |
InteractionLayoutDetail | 310 |
Subinteraction | 31A |
SubinteractionVariableAssignment | 31C |
InteractionSwitch | 31S |
InteractionFieldValue | 31V |
InteractionChoiceLookup | 31c |
InteractionDataSource | 31d |
InteractionDataInput | 31i |
InteractionDataOutput | 31o |
InteractionValueListEntry | 31v |
InteractionFieldMetaData | 31w |
InteractionStage | 31x |
FlowStageRelation | 31y |
FlowRecordRelation | 31z |
EventDeliveryData | 3DP |
EventDelivery | 3DS |
EventSubscriptionHandleData | 3HP |
EventDelivery | 3Db |
EventDeliveryParam | 3Dp |
ProfileIpRestrictionMetrics | 3J5 |
DataDotComCleanMetrics | 3M0 |
OrgObjectsMetrics | 3M1 |
OrgStandardObjectsMetrics | 3M2 |
ChatterMetrics | 3M3 |
ChatterOrgWideMetrics | 3M4 |
NetworkCustomerLoginMetrics | 3M5 |
NetworkPartnerLoginMetrics | 3M6 |
PermissionSetMetricsByOrg | 3MA |
DataDotComSocialMetrics | 3MB |
OpportunityMetrics | 3MC |
ContentMetrics | 3MD |
CustomObjectUsageMetrics | 3ME |
SharingRowCauseMetrics | 3MF |
SharingMetrics | 3MG |
IdeaMetrics | 3MH |
UserDimMetrics | 3MI |
PermissionSetLicenseMetrics | 3MJ |
OpptyAndPricingMetrics | 3MK |
ChatterGroupConMetrics | 3MM |
ChatterUserNetworkMetrics | 3MN |
QuickActionMetrics | 3MO |
VisualforceMetrics | 3MQ |
EventLogFileMetrics | 3MR |
DataDotComListPoolMetrics | 3MS |
ProcessMetrics | 3MT |
DeclarativePlatformMetrics | 3MU |
SharingUserMetrics | 3MV |
PlatformOrgObjectMetrics | 3MW |
InteractionLanguageMetrics | 3Ml |
InteractionTranslMetrics | 3Mt |
ExtIdentityLoginMetrics | 3N1 |
CustomObjectUserLicenseMetrics | 3NA |
DialerMinutesMetrics | 3NC |
OpportunitySplitMetrics | 3NO |
SandboxOrgDimensionMetrics | 3NS |
SandboxDimensionMetrics | 3NT |
DataDotComCleanPrefMetrics | 3NU |
TwoFactorMetrics | 3NV |
NetworkPowerCustomerLoginMetrics | 3NW |
LightningComponentMetrics | 3NX |
ChatterUniqueContributorDailyMetrics | 3NY |
ChatterActivityDailyMetrics | 3NZ |
EventParameterData | 3PP |
EventParameter | 3PS |
ProcessPluginParameter | 3PX |
EventPublication | 3Pb |
EventPublicationHandle | 3Ph |
EventPublicationParam | 3Pp |
EventSubscriptionData | 3SP |
EventSubscription | 3SS |
LightningUsageByBrowserMetrics | 3mK |
ApexClassMember | 400 |
ApexTriggerMember | 401 |
ApexPageMember | 402 |
ApexComponentMember | 403 |
WorkflowRuleMember | 404 |
ValidationRuleMember | 405 |
WorkflowFieldUpdateMember | 406 |
WorkflowTaskMember | 407 |
WorkflowAlertMember | 408 |
WorkflowOutboundMessageMember | 410 |
CustomFieldMember | 412 |
ContentLogMetricsByFileType | 413 |
PendingChange | 4A0 |
ApexClassVersion | 4F0 |
ApexTriggerVersion | 4F1 |
ApexPageVersion | 4F2 |
ApexComponentVersion | 4F3 |
CustomFieldVersion | 4F4 |
EntityDefinitionVersion | 4F5 |
NetworkCustomerDailyLoginMetrics | 4M5 |
NetworkPartnerDailyLoginMetrics | 4M6 |
CooperSettingsMetrics | 4NA |
SupportOrgWideMetrics | 4NB |
LightningServiceMetrics | 4NC |
UtilityBarMetrics | 4ND |
NetworkPCustDailyLoginMetrics | 4NW |
Package2UpgradeExport | 4Wz |
CompactLayoutItemInfo | 4ci |
CompactLayoutInfo | 4cl |
SearchLayout | 4co |
DataType | 4dt |
FieldDefinition | 4fe |
UserFieldAccess | 4fp |
ServiceFieldDataType | 4ft |
EntityDefinition | 4ie |
Publisher | 4pb |
PicklistValueInfo | 4pv |
Service | 4sr |
ServiceDataType | 4st |
ServiceVersion | 4sv |
ApexPageInfo | 4ve |
WebServiceDefinition | 4ws |
WsdlDataType | 4wt |
XmlSchema | 4xs |
Case | 500 |
Solution | 501 |
Entitlement | 550 |
EntitlementTemplate | 551 |
SlaProcess | 552 |
CaseMilestone | 555 |
MilestoneType | 557 |
LiveChatTranscript | 570 |
LiveChatVisitor | 571 |
LiveChatDeployment | 572 |
LiveChatButton | 573 |
QuickText | 574 |
ChatSession | 5CS |
SessionPermSetActivation | 5Pa |
SegmentSpace | 5Sp |
CURRENCY | 602 |
PLAN | 604 |
PRODUCT | 605 |
ForecastShare | 608 |
LightningUsageByAppTypeMetrics | 62C |
AssociationQueueItem | 6AA |
EventAssociationItem | 6AB |
MailAssociationItem | 6AC |
TaskAssociationItem | 6AD |
SegmentSpaceChunk | 6SS |
PartitionStatus | 6pS |
MetadataChangeTemplate | 700 |
Campaign | 701 |
AsyncApexJob Doc | 707 |
BatchApexRelationship | 708 |
ApexTestQueueItem Doc | 709 |
AssetShare | 70a |
AssetOwnerSharingRule | 70b |
AssetCriteriaSharingRule | 70c |
AssetSharingRuleFilterItem | 70d |
LoginIp | 710 |
ApiLoginKey | 711 |
LoginIpEmail | 712 |
ClientBrowser | 713 |
ApexCodeCoverage | 714 |
ApexCodeCoverageAggregate | 715 |
ApexOrgWideCoverage | 716 |
Photo | 729 |
FieldHistory | 737 |
AsyncApiJob – Bulk Query Job | 750 |
AsyncApiBatch – Bulk Query Batch | 751 |
AsyncApiQueryResult – Bulk Query Result | 752 |
TempStore | 753 |
AsyncApiJobOptions | 754 |
LinkedInLeadGen | 7Eh |
UiStyleDefinition | 766 |
UiStyle | 777 |
LeadConvertMapping | 7Eq |
LightningComponentTag | 7Er |
DebugLevel | 7dl |
LightningUsageByFlexiPageMetrics | 7pV |
TraceFlag | 7tf |
S2XGoogleServiceAccount | 7tg |
Contract | 800 |
Order | 801 |
OrderItem | 802 |
INVOICE | 803 |
PAYMENT | 805 |
Approval | 806 |
OrganizationValue | 80D |
ServiceContract | 810 |
ContractLineItem | 811 |
S2XTransaction | 817 |
S2XRecordMap | 820 |
S2XUserMap | 822 |
S2XServiceAccount | 823 |
S2XTransactionLock | 824 |
S2XEventRecordMap | 825 |
ActivityRecurrence | 828 |
ActivityExtension | 829 |
ActivityRecurrenceException | 82B |
OauthConsumer – Remote Access | 888 |
OauthConsumerAsset | 889 |
Question | 906 |
Reply | 907 |
QuestionSubscription | 910 |
QuestionReportAbuse | 911 |
ReplyReportAbuse | 912 |
PackageBooleanValue | 9BV |
PackageDateValue | 9DV |
PackageIntegerValue | 9NV |
LicenseManagementOrgCertificate | 9yZ |
Custom Objects. Starts incrementing from a00 | a00 |
Platform Events. Starts incrementing from e00 | e00 |
Custom Metadata. Starts incrementing from m00 | m00 |
BigObjects. Starts incrementing from z00 | z00 |
KnowledgeArticleVersion* | ka0-kzz |
KnowledgeArticle* | kA0-kZz |
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