Integration Procedure Advanced Concepts

In our last post we learned about basics of Vlocity Integration Procedure. In this session we will learn the Integration procedure Advanced concepts like loop blocks in IP, List Action, Long Running Transactions, Handling Exceptions and Rollback on Error.

Integration Procedure- Loop Blocks

A Loop Block iterates over the items in a data array to repeat the Actions in the Loop Block for each

Integration Procedure- Loop Blocks

Integration Procedure- List Action

Merges multiple lists by matching values of specified list item JSON nodes.

  • A basic merge matches node names exactly.
  • An advanced merge matches nodes that have different names and/or reside at different levels in the incoming lists.
Integration Procedure- List Action

Integration Procedure- Long Running Transactions

Use chainable and queueable chainable settings to avoid hitting Salesforce governor limits when
invoking long-running Integration Procedures. You can also chain on one or more specific
long-running steps.

Integration Procedure- Long Running Transactions

Integration Procedure- Long Running Transactions Limits

Integration Procedure- Handling Exceptions and Rollback on Error

Rollback on Error Configuration – Dataraptor. Create Account and the associated Opportunity, only
when no errors.

Integration Procedure- Handling Exceptions and Rollback on Error

Try Catch Block – Integration Procedure

Try Catch Block - Integration Procedure

Rollback on Error Activation – Integration Procedure

All changes are committed to the database only after all operations in the transaction finish running without errors. If an error occurs in any of the intermediate steps with the Rollback On Error option enabled, all database changes are rolled back, and the transaction isn’t committed.

Rollback on Error Activation - Integration Procedure

Integration Procedure Advanced Concepts Video

YouTube video

Check our training session and let us your feedback if you like it. IP is also very useful for API callout without any code.


I hope this post helped you to understand the Integration procedure advanced concepts. If you are new to OminStudio then please check our FREE Salesforce OmniStudio Training and let us know if you like our training, Which topic you want to learn next in Apex Hours.

Amit Chaudhary
Amit Chaudhary

Amit Chaudhary is Salesforce Application & System Architect and working on Salesforce Platform since 2010. He is Salesforce MVP since 2017 and have 17 Salesforce Certificates.

He is a active blogger and founder of Apex Hours.

Articles: 466


  1. I have an Integration Procedure with Datarpator Post action followed by a Remote Action Element. When Remote Action is executed (it’s calling an Apex method), we are getting the error ‘There is uncommitted data, cannot make callout function’. What should we do to commit the Dataraptor post action before calling remote action from Integration Procedure?

  2. Is is ideal to add a Data Raptor Extract action Inside loop block? Will the framework handle this automatically or we will consume 1 SOQL for each iteration

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