Dynamic Related List in Salesforce

With Summer’22 release, Now you can customize related lists directly from the Lightning App Builder instead of the page layout editor with the new Dynamic Related List in Salesforce. With Dynamic Form and Dynamic Action and Now Dynamic Related list in Salesforce adds game-changer features for its customers.

What Is Dynamic Related List in Salesforce?

Dynamic Related Lists is the newest feature in Summer’22 release. Means with the help of Dynamic Related Lists in Salesforce you can customize the related list directly in Lightning App Builder. With some customization you can decide what fields and actions appear on that related list, and when they appear.

Dynamic Related List – Single component has the following features which differentiate it from the static related list component:

  1. Define Related List Label and type of list
  2. Configure Number of Records to Display 
  3. Show/hide List View Action Bar
  4. Define Related List Filters
  5. Configure Actions 
  6. Set Component Visibility

Let’s see how to configure Dynamic list in Salesforce.

Setting up Dynamic Related Lists in Salesforce is a easy System Admin job. All you need to do is to add the Dynamic Related List – Single component on a Lightning Record Page and configure it. The hard work with it really is around determining what the filter criteria should be.

Let see how to add Dynamic related list on Account page layout.

  1. Click Setup. 
  2. Then open Object Manager, Then Search for Account
  3. Open Account page from on Lightning Record Pages.
  4. Click on the Edit.
  5. Drag and drop Dynamic Related List – Single under Related tab.
Add Dynamic Related Lists in Lightning App Builder
  1. Once you added the Dynamic Related List – Single then you can confirm all below property.
Dynamic Related List in Salesforce
  1. Once done click save and Activate.

Please share your experience with Dynamic Related Lists in Salesforce with us and please subscribe our youtube to get notification for our upcoming sessions.

  • Only the Related List – Single component can be upgraded to the Dynamic Related List – Single component.
  • If a related list isn’t defined on a supported object’s page layout, fields populate the Dynamic Related List – Single properties pane in the default order defined by Salesforce. Actions don’t populate automatically.
  • In the Lightning App Builder, the dynamic related list preview shows a maximum of six records.
  • Only the List and Tile related list types are available for dynamic related lists.
  • Dynamic related lists support most relative date filters so you can filter on Date and DateTime fields using easy-to-understand, human-speech-inspired syntax.
  • Related list results are truncated at 2,000 records, so a filter set that returns over 2,000 records spends extra time querying records it can’t display. To improve your list’s performance, filter it to return a maximum of 2,000 records.
  • When users go to a dynamic related list from a bookmark or shared URL, if they haven’t viewed the list before, they’re redirected to the record detail page. To see the entire list, they can click View All again
Amit Chaudhary
Amit Chaudhary

Amit Chaudhary is Salesforce Application & System Architect and working on Salesforce Platform since 2010. He is Salesforce MVP since 2017 and have 17 Salesforce Certificates.

He is a active blogger and founder of Apex Hours.

Articles: 466


    • It will available from 6 June in all sandbox. Or you can review this feature in pre-release sandbox for now

  1. Until dynamic related lists have the ability to view all records and not hide records, I won’t be using them or recommending them. That it hides records that meet the filter criteria but exceeds the available display record count seems ridiculous and should not have been made available until that was remediated.

  2. I have experience in Salesforce Admin and i am searching for job right now,if any opportunity is there plz let me now

  3. We wanted to use the Dynamic Related List – Single for the Asset object, where we wanted to see only active Entitlements, but this object is not available on the edit page of the Asset under related list.

  4. i cannot se Products as an related list in drop down when i tried Dynamic Related list – single option at opportunity record page, is it something to deal with only custom objects ?

  5. Is there an ability to filter on the description field, such as includes or excludes certain words or phrases? I’m not finding this in my research on the topic.

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