In this session, we will try to understand three essential aspects of becoming a super admin. 1 Login Flows – stop users from logging in when there is system maintenance or deployments. 2 power of 1 in formulas and 3 Using custom settings in Process Builders to avoid hard codings. Join us to learn about Three Arsenal for every Admin to become a Super Admin.
1. Login Flows
Login flows are one of the greatest Arsenal that could be used to collect user information during the Login process. You could also use Login flows to show the “Terms & Conditions” page or the “Privacy policy” Page and make users Accept during Login. Login flows will come to your rescue during deployments and Releases to stop users from logging into the System.
Have you ever wondered how Salesforce was showing a Maintenance message?
2. Custom Metadata Relationships
As we know, Salesforce wants us to use Custom Metadata Types instead of List Custom Settings. Custom Metadata settings can be used in
a. Formulae fields
b. Validation rules
c. Process builder /Workflows
d. Flows
e. Apex
One of the less known feature is Custom Metadata Relationships. We could use Custom Metadata Relationships to connect custom metadata setting with
a. Standard Object/ Custom object
b. Custom field
c. Custom Metadata settings.
3. CaseSafeId and Power of 1
Did you spend more time comparing data from External Systems with Salesforce Report data? Are you using Google search to convert your 15-digit id to an 18-digit ID or use an Excel function to convert to an 18-digit ID from 15 15-digit ID?
While performing data analysis, you need an 18-digit id (Case Insensitive) to Provide appropriate stats. CaseSafeId function in Salesforce comes to your rescue. Create a Formula field on the Standard/Custom object with the casesafeId function.
Power of 1 is the most excellent formula that has ever been written. If you want to get the high-level stats of unique counts, such as Owner and unique records owned by the user from a desired object in the report, then the power of 1 comes to your rescue.
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