Salesforce Library Migration process

Join us to learn about Salesforce Library Migration process. We will learn about Content management in Salesforce and discuss the steps for migrating the library contents of one Salesforce Org to another.

What are Salesforce Libraries?

In Salesforce, a library is defined as a repository or workspace to store files relevant to a project organized in customized folder structure. Through this blog, I will share simple steps following which you can migrate an entire Library from an org (henceforth referred to as the “Source Org”) and save it to another org (referred to as the “Target Org”), while preserving the version history, folder associations, and user permissions.

It was a challenging task for me to migrate Salesforce libraries from multiple legacy Salesforce instances to a new unified Salesforce instance. Neither could I find a comprehensive reference depicting the end-to-end process of library migration nor any utility to automate the said process.

The intended audience for this blog should have basic knowledge on Salesforce Data Architecture and SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language). 

Libraries, also known as Content Libraries are used to organize files with versioning within Salesforce. The users can store all types of text and binary files in a library, maintain multiple versions, and organize files within folders and subfolders. Within the Salesforce data model, libraries are referred to as Workspaces.

Content management in Salesforce

Salesforce provides its own flavour of a Content Management System (CMS).  This capability is known as Salesforce CRM Content. Salesforce CRM Content is a feature within Salesforce that allows you to manage and share documents, files, and content with your team and customers. It helps you organize and collaborate on content related to your sales and marketing efforts. Here’s a diagrammatic description of how Salesforce CRM Content works:

Content management in Salesforce
  • One library can be shared among multiple users and one user can have access to multiple libraries. One file can be shared across multiple libraries.Within a library, there can be multiple nested folders.

How to access Salesforce Content Libraries

  • From the App Launcher in your Salesforce Org, open Sales app. Click File Tab, Select Libraries from the menu in left side of the web page

Find your library from the list of libraries and double click on the name to see its contents.

Library Data Model

Before we discuss the steps of Library migration, it is important to understand how the Content Libraries are modelled in Salesforce.


Represents a document in a Content Library or Salesforce Files.


Represents a specific version of a document in Salesforce CRM Content or Salesforce Files.


Represents a content library.


Represents a link between a document and a Content Library.

Represents a link between a Salesforce CRM Content document, Salesforce File, or ContentNote and where it’s shared. A file can be shared with users, groups, records, and Salesforce CRM Content libraries.


Represents a folder in a content library for adding files.


Defines the association between a file and a folder in a Content Library.

Migrating Contents of a Library

Migrating contents of a library is a multi-step process and it involves exporting the content files and metadata from a source Salesforce Org and transforming the metadata before importing the files to a target Salesforce Org. The process outlined uses Salesforce utilities like Data Export Service and Data Loader.

Step 1: Download binary files from source Salesforce org

Step 1.1

Use the Data Export feature in Salesforce to export binary files. 

Follow these steps

  • From Setup, enter Data Export in the Quick Find box, then select Data Export and Export Now or Schedule Export.
    • The Export Now option prepares your files for export immediately. This option is only available if enough time has passed since your last export.
    • The Schedule Export option allows you to schedule the export process for weekly or monthly intervals.
  • Check the box ‘Include Salesforce Files and Salesforce CRM Content document version’. 
  • Select “ContentVersion” object from the list of objects

Step 1.2

  • This creates one or more zip files. When you extract them, look out for the following:
    • ContentVersion folder (contains the Files so there may be more than one folder)
    • ContentVersion.csv (contains the ID of each File)
  • Extract the ContentVersion folder(s) into a single ContentVersion folder on your local drive.

Note: Appexchange apps like FileExporter may be considered for exporting the binary library files.

Step 2: Configure the Library in the target Salesforce Org

  1. From the My Libraries section of the Libraries tab home page, click New
  2. Enter a unique library name and a description; it is a best practice to describe your metadata in SF.  Even though optional, ensure you provide a good description of what your library is meant to contain, for which roles it will most likely be used, and in what context (e.g., SF objects)  the Library’s content will be used.
  3. Click Save and Add Members.
  4. On the Libraries tab, click the library name if the library isn’t already open. 
  5. In the Members section, click Add Members
  6. If the member you want to add isn’t listed, type their first name in the search box and click Find
  7. Select members from the Available Members box. Members can include individual Salesforce CRM Content users or public groups.
  8. To add the members to the library, click Add
  9. Click Next.
  10. Select a library permission for each user or public group and click Save.

For more details, refer to the help article.

Step 3: Migrate Content Version data 

In this step, you will migrate all the versions of the library files. You can achieve this in two simple passes.

Reference SOQL: 
SELECT Id, Title, Description, ReasonForChange, VersionNumber, RecordTypeId,  OwnerId, ContentDocumentId,FileExtension <Custom fields> 
FROM ContentVersion
WHERE ContentDocumentId in (
	SELECT ContentDocumentId 
	FROM ContentWorkspaceDoc 
	WHERE = <library name>)


The ID field in the output dataset of the SOQL will match with the extracted binary file names. Rename all the binary files by adding the extensions from the FileExtension field. 

For example, if, in a record, 

    ID= 0685e000004YaZIZA0 and FileExtension=docx

Rename the file from 0685e000004YaZIZA0 to 0685e000004YaZIZA0.docx

Pass 1:

You will migrate the first version of all the content documents in the library.

  1. Using the reference SOQL above, export records from object ContentVersion in the source Salesforce Org to a csv file and apply a transformation as follows:
Source ObjectSource FilterField NameTransformation LogicTarget ObjectField Name
ContentVersionVersion Number = ‘1 ‘TitleDirect MapContentVersionTitle
ContentVersionDescriptionDirect MapContentVersionDescription
ContentVersionReasonForChangeDirect MapContentVersionReasonForChange
ContentVersionComplete path to the file you’re uploading from your local machine or driveContentVersionVersionData
ContentVersionComplete path to the file you’re uploading from your local machine or drive. ContentVersionPathOnClient 
ContentVersionOwnerIDMap the ID of the equivalent User record in the target Salesforce OrgContentVersionOwnerID
ContentVersionRecordTypeIdFind the matching Record Type in target Salesforce Org by
    Name with
    sObjectType with ‘ContentVersion’
Return ID 
ContentVersionN/AFind the record ID of the ContentWorkspace in target Salesforce Org
by matching Name 
ContentVersionContentDocumentIdDirect MapContentVersion<Custom ExternalID field>
  1. Add Custom fields, if needed.
  2. Launch and Configure Data Loader to use a ‘Batch Size’ of 1.
  3. Select Insert and select ’Show all Salesforce objects’.
  4. Select ContentVersion.
  5. Browse to your CSV file.
  6. Click Create or Edit a Map, then select Auto-Match fields to columns.
  7. Click OK -> Next -> Finish.

Note: When you upload a record in ContentVersion object, a record gets created automatically in each of the following objects – ContentDocumentContentDocumentLink and ContentWorkspaceDoc.

Pass 2:

The second pass will migrate all the higher versions of all files in the library. This pass will lookup from the ContentVersion object in the target Salesforce Org to retrieve the ContentDocument reference.

  1. Using the reference SOQL, export records from object ContentVersion from source org to a csv file and apply the transformation as follows.
Source ObjectSource FilterSort CriteriaField NameTransformation LogicTarget ObjectField Name
ContentVersionVersion Number > ‘1 ‘Ascending:ContentDocumentID 
TitleDirect MapContentVersionTitle
ContentVersionDescriptionDirect MapContentVersionDescription
ContentVersionReasonForChangeDirect MapContentVersionReasonForChange
ContentVersionComplete path to the file you’re uploading from your local machine or drive.ContentVersionVersionData
ContentVersionComplete path to the file you’re uploading from your local machine or drive.ContentVersionPathOnClient 
ContentVersionOwnerIDMap the ID of The equivalent User record in target Salesforce OrgContentVersionOwnerID
ContentVersionRecordTypeIdFind the matching Record Type in target Salesforce Org by
    Name with
    sObjectType with ‘ContentVersion’
Return ID 
ContentVersionContentDocumentIdLookup ContentVersion (Target Salesforce Org)
  <External ID> with ContentDocumentID
  VersionNumber with “1”
Return ContentDocumentID 
  1. Add Custom fields, if needed.
  2. Launch and Configure Data Loader to use a ‘Batch Size’ of 1.
  3. Select Insert and select ’Show all Salesforce objects’.
  4. Select ContentVersion.
  5. Browse to your CSV file.
  6. Click Create or Edit a Map, then select Auto-Match fields to columns.
  7. Click OK -> Next -> Finish.

Note: After this pass, the library contents will show all the content files under the root and no folders or subfolders will be available.

The content documents can be associated with the libraries or other object types as explained before. The association with the library being migrated is created automatically 

when you created the Content Versions. In this step you will take care of the associations with other libraries and other object types.

Reference SOQL 1 (Main SOQL): 
SELECT Id, LinkedEntityId, ContentDocumentId, IsDeleted, ShareType, Visibility 
FROM ContentDocumentLink 
WHERE ContentDocumentid in <List of unique Ids from the Reference SOQL 2>

Reference SOQL 2: 
SELECT ContentDocumentId 
FROM ContentDocumentLink 
WHERE LinkedEntityId IN (
	FROM contentworkspace 
	WHERE name = <Library Name>)
  1. Export fields from object ContentDocumentLink from source Salesforce Org to a csv file and apply the following transformations:
Source ObjectField NameTransformation LogicTarget ObjectField NameTarget Filter
ContentDocumentLinkVisibilityDirect MapContentDocumentLinkVisibilityLinkedEntityID != NULL
ContentDocumentLinkShareTypeDirect MapContentDocumentLinkShareType
ContentDocumentLinkContentDocumentIDLookup ContentVersion object of target Salesforce Org
Match <External ID> with ContentDocumentID
Return  ContentDocumentID
ContentDocumentLinkLinkedEntityId 1. If First 3 characters of LinkedEntityId is ‘058’ Then find the name of the ContentWorkspace in the source org. Else go to step 3.
2. If the name reveals its a different library then
Lookup on ContentWorkspace of target Salesforce Org, match Name Return Record ID. Go to Step 5
3. Lookup the table provided in the URL –
For the Objects in scope, match Key Prefix with first 3 characters of LinkedEntityId  return Object Type (Account, User etc)
4.Find the matching Record ID in target Salesforce Org.
5. Map the Record ID to LinkedEntityId 
  1. Open Data Loader and click Insert.
  2. Select the Show all Salesforce objects box.
  3. Select ContentDocumentLink.
  4. Browse to your CSV file.
  5. Click Create or Edit a Map then select Auto-Match fields to columns.
  6. Click OK -> Next -> Finish.

Step 5: Migrate ContentFolder and ContentFolderMember

Now that we have migrated all the library files with their version history the next thing to do is to migrate the folder structure and link the folder association so that it is in sync with the source Salesforce Org.

You can achieve this in three simple passes.

Pass 1:

In this pass, we will migrate all the content folders (and subfolders too) that belong to the library.

Reference SOQL’s:

Run the following three SOQL’s in source org to prepare the source data

SOQL #1:  
FROM ContentWorkspace 
WHERE name = <Library Name>   => WID
SOQL #2: 
FROM ContentFolder 
WHERE name = WID => List of top level Folder IDs (TF)
SOQL #3 (Final): 
SELECT name, ParentContentFolderid, parentContentFolder.ParentContentFolderid,
FROM ContentFolder 
WHERE ParentContentFolderid in ('<TF>')  OR ParentContentFolder.ParentContentFolderid in ('<TF>')  OR ParentContentFolder.ParentContentFolder.ParentContentFolderid in ('<TF>')

Note: We are assuming that the maximum depth of folder structure is three.  Customize SOQL #3 if the depth is more by specifying ore ParentContentFolder references.

  1. Using the reference SOQLs, export records from object ContentFolder from the source Salesforce Org to a csv file and apply the following transformations:
Source ObjectField NameTransformation LogicTarget ObjectField NameTarget Filter
ContentFolderNameDirect MapContentFolderNameNone 
ContentFolderN/A1. Lookup on ContentWorkspace in the target Salesforce Org and match the Name with the Library Name; Return ID (WID)
2. Lookup ContentFolder in the target Salesforce Org, match the Name with WID; Return ID and map
  1. Open Data Loader and click Insert.
  2. Select the Show all Salesforce objects check box.
  3. Select ContentFolder.
  4. Browse to your CSV file.
  5. Click Create or Edit a Map, then select Auto-Match fields to columns.
  6. Click OK -> Next -> Finish.

Note: After this pass, the library contents will show all the content files under the root. All folders and (subfolders too) will be visible all under root level.

Pass 2

In this pass, we will link the library files to their parent folders.

Reference SOQL:

SELECT id, ParentContentFolderId, ParentContentFolder.Name, ChildRecordId, ChildRecord.Title 
FROM ContentFolderMember 
WHERE ChildRecordId in (
      SELECT contentDocumentId 
      FROM ContentWorkspaceDoc 
      WHERE = <Library name>
  1. Using the reference SOQLs, export records from object ContentFolderMember in the source Salesforce org to a csv file and apply the following transformations:
Source ObjectField NameTransformation LogicTarget fieldTarget ObjectField NameLoad Type
ContentFolderMemberChildRecordId Lookup the ContentVersion object in target Salesforce Org; Match SRCID__c with ChildRecordId And VersionNumber with “1”; Return ContentDocumentId (CDID)
Lookup the ContentfolderMember object in target Salesforce Org; Match ChildRecordid with CDID; Return ID
Lookup the ContentWorkspace object in target Salesforce Org; Match Name with <Library Name>; Return ID (WID)
Lookup on ContentFolder object in target Salesforce Org; Match Name with WID
Return ID (FID)
lookup on ContentFolder object again; Match Name with ParentContentFolder.Name and ParentContentFolderId with FID;
Return ID and Map
  1. Launch and Configure Data Loader to use a ‘Batch Size’ of 1.
  2. Select Update and select ’Show all Salesforce objects’.
  3. Select ContenFolderMember.
  4. Browse to your CSV file.
  5. Click Create or Edit a Map, then select Auto-Match fields to columns.
  6. Click OK -> Next -> Finish.

Note: After this pass, the library contents will show all the content files under their parent folder but folders and (subfolders too) will still be visible all under root level.

Pass 3:

In this final pass, you are going to re-align the subfolders and make the folder structure exactly same as source Salesforce Org

Reference SOQL’s:

Run the following three SOQL’s in source org to prepare the source data

SOQL #1:  
SELECT id from ContentWorkspace 
WHERE name = <Library Name>   => WID
SOQL #2: 
SELECT id from ContentFolder 
WHERE name = WID => List of top level Folder IDs (TF)
SOQL #3 (Final): 
SELECT name,ParentContentFolderid,parentContentFolder.ParentContentFolderid,
FROM ContentFolder 
WHERE ParentContentFolder.ParentContentFolderid in ('<TF>')  or ParentContentFolder.ParentContentFolder.ParentContentFolderid in ('<TF>')

Note: Assume that the maximum depth of folder structure is three.  Customize SOQL #3 if the depth is more.  SOQL #3 selects the folders in level 2 and level 3.  

Level 1 folders are already aligned.

  1. Using the reference SOQLs, export records from object ContentFolderin the source Salesforce org to a csv file and apply the following transformations:
Source ObjectField NameTransformation LogicTarget ObjectField NameLoad Type
ContentFolderNamelookup the ContentWorkspace (Target Org); Match Name with Library Name Return ID

Lookup the ContentFolder(Target Org);  Match Name with ID Return ID (TFID)
Lookup the ContentFolder (Target Org); Match Name with Name and ParentContentFolderID with TFID;
Return ID and Map
lookup the ContentWorkspace (Target Org); Match Name with Library Name Return ID

Lookup the ContentFolder(Target Org);  Match Name with ID Return ID (TFID)
Lookup the ContentFolder(Target Org); Match Name with ParentContentFolder.Name and ParentContentFolderID with PID;
Return ID
  1. Open Data Loader and click Update.
  2. Select the Show all Salesforce objects check box.
  3. Select ContentFolder.
  4. Browse to your CSV file.
  5. Click Create or Edit a Map, then select Auto-Match fields to columns.
  6. Click OK -> Next -> Finish.

Note: The ContentDocumentLink will share the documents to the workspace and automatically create ContentFolderMember records.  To push those records into a sub-folder within the workspace,

 you have to query and update those existing records.  Creating new ContentFolderMember records will result in a duplicate error.

Note: After this final pass, the library contents will show all the content files under their parent folder and folders and (subfolders too) will be aligned too

Conclusion and Acknowledgement

Library migration is a complex activity that needs a lot of close attention to small details. It is a multi step process and each step should follow thorough validation. One can migrate all or selected libraries from one Salesforce Org to a new Salesforce Org by following the steps documented in this Blog.

My sincere thank you to my mentor Brian Waterworth for his tips and guidance while I was writing this article.

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Arijit Ray
Arijit Ray

Hello I'm Arijit, a passionate IT professional currently working for IBM Consulting, Canada. As a data architect I bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. My recent years are spent exploring the intricacies of Salesforce helping businesses harness its capabilities to drive growth and success.

As a seasoned professional within the IT industry I am well-versed in the nuances of data architecture ensuring that companies have robust and scalable solutions in place to effectively manage their data. Through careful analysis strategic planning and seamless integration I strive to optimize processes and empower businesses to make data-driven decisions.

Throughout my career I have collaborated with cross-functional teams advising on best practices designing data models and implementing customized solutions tailored to meet specific business needs. I am adept at navigating the Salesforce ecosystem and leveraging its vast array of tools and functionality to unlock the full potential of data.

In addition to my technical expertise I am a keen problem-solver and a proactive communicator recognizing the importance of bridging the gap between technical jargon and functional requirements. Through my blog I aim to share insights tips and strategies to help individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of Salesforce data architecture.

Whether you are a Salesforce administrator, developer or a business owner looking to leverage the power of data my blog will provide you with valuable resources and information to guide your journey.

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