Improve Your Content Writing Game Using AI

In the last 10 years, AI has developed at the speed of light. We have seen so many tools, from writing assistants to image-generating AIs. In this article, we will discuss 7 of the best tools that can assist content writing. So, without dawdling and wasting any more time, let’s begin! let’s see how we can Improve Your Content Writing Game Using AI.

How Can AI Help You With Content Writing?

AI is, slowly but surely, becoming an integral part of every industry nowadays. And you can use it in content writing as well. But how can content writers use it? It’s simple. Use it to assist yourself. How? Let’s say it takes you time to think of topics that you can write content on. Let us tell you, you are wasting that time!

Now, you can use an AI tool, such as ChatGPT or Google Bard, to generate topic ideas. Then, you can easily shortlist the topics and start writing content. Similarly, if you want to create an outline, you don’t have to do it manually. You can use an AI tool for this task as well.

7 Best AI Tools For Content Writing

Now you know how AI tools can help you in the content writing process, it’s time to take a look at the top 7 AI tools that you can get help from when writing content.

1) Answer The Public

When writing content, the main goal is to address the audience’s issues. But what do you do to research that for which the audience is searching for? The simple answer is to use the ‘AnswerThePublic’ tool!

AnswerThePublic is a tool that will give you the questions that people are searching for if you give it a topic. For example, if I give it the word: Keyboard, it will give me hundreds of questions or keywords people search on the Web.

You can use this tool to know what your target audience is searching for and generate valuable content that will help your audience.

Key Features

AnswerThePublic will help to help you with the following:

  • Find keywords and sub keywords
  • Export your keywords research
  • Alerts for new suggestions
  • Learn and collaborate
  • Free to use (with limits)

As a content writer, you will be able to find the best keywords and sub-topics that your audience is searching for using AnswerThePublic.

2) ChatGPT

The most popular AI tool, a time saver among content writers, is ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that is based on GPT technology and is trained on billions of web pages, books, and blogs to produce human- like results.

As a writer, you can also benefit from using this amazing tool. The best part? It’s free! You just need to sign up, make an account, and start using it. Ensure you have a working email and a phone number to create an account.

Key Uses For Content Writers

Here are some of the common and ubiquitous ways in which content writers can leverage ChatGPT:

  • Generate topic ideas
  • Generate outlines
  • Get assistance when writing content
  • Proofread content
  • And many more.

3) Grammarly

If you are not a native English speaker, or even if you are, there is a high chance that you’ll be making grammatical mistakes. For this reason, tools like Grammarly exist.

Grammarly is an online grammar checker tool that will help you make sure your content is free of grammatical errors, which will increase the credibility of your text.

Key Features

  • Correctness.
  • Tone Suggestions.
  • Full-sentence rewrites.
  • Custom Style Guides.


At one point or another, content writers often need to rewrite some content. The reasons could be to improve the content or to remove the plagiarism. If you were rewriting the content manually, you don’t have to do it anymore.

Article Rewriter is a tool that will help you rewrite any piece of content within seconds. It will change the words, the structure, and the grammar to make sure the final rewritten text is the unique and improved version of the previous one.

Key Features

  • 5 Different modes
  • AI-based rewriting
  • Word changer
  • Simple to use
  • Grammar error remover
  • Remove plagiarism
  • No sign-up required


Another very useful tool for content writers that will help them save a lot of time in researching It is an AI-based tool that will help you summarize any piece of content that you
provide. It will take out all the important points from the text and combine them.
You can get results in 3 forms, which include:

  • Paragraph – You’ll get the whole text summary in paragraph form.
  • Bullet Points – You’ll get the summary in bullet points
  • The Best Line – The AI will read your text and take out the line that it thinks is the most important one.

Key Features

  • AI-Based
  • Supports
  • Different options for output
  • Free to use
  • No signup required

6) Quetext

Uniqueness is important when writing content. If there is plagiarism in your content, you could receive a penalty. That’s why it’s important to check for plagiarism in your content before uploading it. How, but will you check it? Quetext is going to help you.

Quetext is a plagiarism checker that scans for matches between the text you provide it and its database. It uses DeepSearch technology for increased accuracy. The sources that Quetext checks include eBooks, web pages, and other content available online.

And the best of all? It’s free to use. However, it’s only free till a certain limit, and to cross that limit, you’ll have to go for its plaid plan.

Key Features

  • DeepSearch technology
  • Color-coded feedback
  • Plagiarism Scoring
  • Free to Use
  • No signup required


There are some chances that there is plagiarism in the content that you have written. It could be direct plagiarism or accidental plagiarism. But if there is plagiarism, it might affect your reputation as well as the credibility of your content.

But how do you fix if there is plagiarism in your content to avoid any serious consequences? The answer is simple! Use (tool name). This tool will help you remove plagiarism from your content by changing the wording of the text and making changes in the structure.

Key Features

  • Human-level plagiarism removal using AI
  • Ensured uniqueness
  • Smooth language
  • 100% free


This article was all about the best AI tools that will help you improve your content. We discussed the top 7 tools that content writers can use while writing content to improve it. If you are not using these, make sure you try them out. These tools will not only help you save time but also increase your productivity. We hope this article was helpful. Thanks for reading!

One comment

  1. Using these AI tools is like having a squad of creative personal assistants for writers. From brainstorming to grammar correction, it’s practically having a content production party at your fingertips. 🚀✨

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