Suffixes in Salesforce

In Salesforce, a suffix is a word or a set of characters that are added to the end of metadata to identify it.

List of common API suffixes in Salesforce

Here is a list of common API suffixes that you can come across in Salesforce.

API SuffixesUsed for
__cCustom Object / Field
__rCustom Relationship
__ePlatform Events
__bCustom Big Objects
__mdtCustom Metadata Type
__xExternal Object
__shareSharing Object
__TagSalesforce Tags
__voteStatRating for an article
__viewStatNumber of view per article
__kavKnowledge Article Objects
__historyField History Tracking
__xoSalesforce-to-Salesforce (S2S) spoke
__pcCustom Persona Account Field
__ChangeEventChange Data Capture
__StateCode__sCustom Address field
__CountryCode__sCustom Address field
__Street__sCustom Address field
__PostalCode__sCustom Address field
__City__sCustom Address field
__GeocodeAccuracy__sCustom Address field
__dlm(Data Model Object) for the Customer Data Platform.
__chnChange Event channel
__latitude__sLatitude Coordinate
__longitude__sLongitude Coordinate

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