This article is addressed to everyone who practices Salesforce hands-on. It will detail the principal new features of the Salesforce Inspector reloaded extension (1.23 version). Here are the Top 10 new features Version Highlights of Salesforce Inspector Reloaded.
1. Load recently viewed records in the popup
When working on Salesforce implementation or tests, you may have to navigate through different objects records. It can be useful to scroll the list to easily access those records. With new version, you can quickly access it from the popup
2. Popup Restyling & customizable theme
When Nathan Shulman worked on the popup restyling, he suggested different themes and honestly, I couldn’t choose one. I was wondering if it was just me or other community members facing the same dilemma, so I created a LinkedIn poll and here are the results:
So here comes the configurable popup theme option!
3. Customize extension’s favicon
One of the recurring comments I had was the proximity with Salesforce’s favicon which could lead to misleading information in the browser tab and to be honest … It’s totally true!
After many requests from the community and colleagues, I finally found a way to allow users to customize the extension favicon.
You can choose to colorize the existing favicon in different colors (green, orange, pink, purple, red, yellow) and also to use an URL link for another icon (company, customer, guinea pigs image ????). This customization is org-specific, it means that you can choose different favicons for each Salesforce org.
[Spoiler alert: in the next version 1.24, you’ll be able to change Salesforce’s favicon]
4. Add Query Plan to data export
One of the last reasons why I was opening the Salesforce Dev console was the Query Plan.
I’m using it to check if the query I’m building in Apex is selective enough and to make sure it won’t trigger the “SOQL Error System.QueryException: Non-selective query”.
Thanks to the new functionality Get Feedback on Query Performance (beta as Spring 24’) I could implement the Query Plan in the Data Export page.
As the results of the Query Plan may not be very clear, you also have two Salesforce articles links to help you analyze it.
5. On the inspect page, iterate through picklist available values
When dealing with picklist fields on the “Show all data” page, you can see picklist values when passing over the field, but those values are not very easy to use.
With the new version, when editing the field, press ↑ and ↓ keyboard keys to iterate through the values.
6. Access Flow versions from Popup
When working on a flow you may want to compare it with previous versions, or activate another version for tests, and this is not very handy from flow builder.
You can now access the flow versions directly from the popup:
7. Customize Query Templates
Query Templates help users by giving them a pre-build query that they can use and complete. Some users may want to customize those templates, it was possible in the previous version, but it was not user-friendly since it required the Chrome dev console to open.
You can now customize the templates from the option page (values are separated with “//”).
NB: the values entered in option page will replace all the out-of-the-box templates, if you want to keep the previous ones here is it :
8. Add performance info on Data Export
Since some queries can be pretty long to execute when querying large amounts of data, it can be useful to display the performance of the query.
9. View User’s summary
Summer 24 comes with a new view available for user record, you can access this view by clicking on the user’s Name from the popup view.
10. New setup domain support
Salesforce started to use the new domain for setup pages and this is now supported in reloaded.
Let us know which Salesforce Inspector Reloaded: Top 10 New Version Highlights you like.
Excellent update!